Category Archives: VIP Series

These are the monthly featured discs that were shipped to VIP Club subscribers

#58 – February 2021 – Armor STEGO by Reptilian Disc Golf

Quantity manufactured = 1000 Artwork by Andres Aguinaldo The 58th monthly featured disc in the VIP Club series is the Stego in Armor plastic by Reptilian Disc Golf. This is a very rare run of the super-overstable putt-and-approach disc in premium plastic. The Stego is known for it’s odd ridge on the top of the rim which contributes […]

#57 – January 2021 – 500 Spectrum Chris Dickerson PA-3 by Prodigy

Quantity manufactured = 900 Artwork by Jeremy Woosley The January 2021 VIP Series featured disc of the month was a commemorative USDGC Champion Chris Dickerson signature disc. It was a PA-3 from Prodigy in 500 Spectrum plastic with a lot of swirls and a limited run of 900 discs. We were excited that Prodigy would […]

#55 – November 2020 – Duraflex Glow D MODEL S by Prodigy

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Lana Samokhina The featured disc for November 2020, and number 55 in the VIP monthly disc series, is a new release in Prodigy’s ACE LINE sub-brand. The D MODEL S is a Distance Driver (thus the letter “D”) with a stable flight pattern (thus the letter “S”) and it […]

#54 – October 2020 – Black Sparkle VENGEANCE by Legacy Discs

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by N. K. Roerich The 54th release in the Infinite Discs monthly featured disc series is a special edition run of all black VENGEANCE discs in Sparkle plastic. Legacy Discs felt like this would be a great addition to the VIP Series as an October release, and the striking 3-foil […]

#53.2 – September 2020 – Tiger Line HAMMER by Yikun Discs

Quantity manufactured = 750 Artwork by J.D. Graphic Design The second disc in the September 2020 2-disc package was a putt-and-approach disc with a flat top and a thumb-track, the Hammer in Tiger Line plastic by Yikun Discs. This is also a good overstable utility disc designed more for aggressive, short range approaches to the […]

#53.1 – September 2020 – Phoenix CROSSBOW by Yikun Discs

Quantity manufactured = 750 Artwork by J.D. Graphic Design The 53nd release in the Infinite Discs monthly featured disc series was actually a 2-disc feature. 53.1 was the Crossbow in premium Phoenix plastic by Yikun Discs. As a flat-top, overstable mid-range, it plays utility disc roll very well and looked great with a rare triple […]

#52 – August 2020 – Armor RAGNAROK by Viking Discs

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Arif Saputra The 52nd disc in the VIP Series of monthly featured disc releases is the Ragnarok driver in Armor plastic, by Viking Discs. It features a 3-color stamp design that really pushed the limits of stamping technology with artwork by Arif Saputra. There were 25 discs in each […]

#51 – July 2020 – Metallic Moonshine TRESPASS by Dynamic Discs

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Skulboy The July 2020 featured disc was the Metallic Moonshine Trespass by Dynamic Discs. It is #51 in the VIP Series of monthly featured discs. It was planned for July 2020, but was shipped early in June 2020 (ahead of #50 in the series) because of production delays. This […]

#50 – June 2020 – Premium JOKERI by Prodiscus

Quantity manufactured = 700 Artwork by Mauricio Escobedo The June featured disc was the Jokeri in Premium plastic (a few of the run were in opaque Ultrium plastic) by the Finish brand, Prodiscus. This was the first time featuring a Prodiscus disc as a VIP Club release, so we picked the most popular disc in […]

#49 – May 2020 – Moonshine Mercy by Latitude 64

Quantity manufactured = 700 Artwork by Nutriaaa Number 49 in the VIP Series of exclusive, monthly collectible discs is the Moonshine Mercy by Latitude 64. This featured disc was arranged in a hurry with the kind cooperation of Latitude 64 and Dynamic Discs at a time when Covid-19 had many disc gold manufacturers shut down. […]

#48 – April 2020 – Metal Flake C-Line MD4 by Discmania

Quantity manufactured = 670 Artwork by DGIM Studio VIP Series 48 featured disc (April 2020) was a Metal Flake C-Line MD4 from Discmania. The run was for only 670 discs. It’s a moderately overstable mid-range and featured a slick astronaut helmet design. It was put together very quickly and lovingly by Discmania in order to […]

#47 – March 2020 – Plasma Insanity by Axiom Discs

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Andres Aguinaldo With the 47th installment in the monthly VIP Series, we revisited an old favorite with the “Slave to the Chains” theme. This new Slave to the Chains Plasma Insanity by Axiom has more color variety in stamp and in disc plastic, including a lot with nice swirls […]

#46 – February 2020 – Paige Pierce ESP Stalker by Discraft

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Thought Space Athletics The 46th disc in the VIP monthly featured disc series is the ESP Stalker with a Paige Pierce signature edition stamp design by Thought Space Athletics. This exclusive signature edition was planned for the VIP Club as soon as Paige joined Team Discraft. We’re excited to […]

#45 – January 2020 – Swirly S-Blend EMPEROR by Infinite Discs

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Thought Space Athletics Infinite Discs has been happy to help support Garrett Gurthie on his professional touring efforts and in 2020 we thought it would be fun to kick off the year with a new, signature Emperor for Garrett. He really liked the Swirly S-Blend run (the first Emperor […]

#44 – December 2019 – Cosmic and Atomic KOTARE by RPM

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by AKV with coloring by Aubrey Durrant Infinite Discs talked to RPM months in advance to make sure that the members of the VIP Club would be the first to receive their upcoming disc mold, the Kotare. The Kotare is designed for intermediate to advanced players who want a distance […]

#43 – November 2019 – Special Blend SAIL by DGA

Quantity manufactured = 800 Artwork by Ryan Koster at Ripper Studios Infinite Discs had never worked with DGA for a special edition VIP Club disc before, so it was about time to give their quality line-up the VIP treatment. Since the VIP Club had featured a good number of overstable discs during 2019, we thought […]

#42 – October 2019 – Ethereal MANTRA by Thought Space Athletics

Quantity manufactured = 1000 Artwork by Thought Space Athletics The MANTRA was the debut disc release by Thought Space Athletics, a brand that began as a design company. The MANTRA is a straight-to-understable driver that can find regular use in the disc golf bag of any player, from beginner to experienced. The first run in […]